UFA launch on 15.08.2008


23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Baselworld 2017)

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 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Baselworld 2017)

21 Mar 2017, 17:57 
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Country:  Romania (ro)
Geheimkonzert in Basel: Gewinnt Tickets für Depeche Mode!

Depeche Mode spielen am Donnerstag, 23. März 2017 ein 30-minütiges, exklusives Konzert in Basel vor nur 200 Gästen. Tickets gibt es nicht zu kaufen, sondern nur zu gewinnen. Der genaue Ort wird den Gewinnern kurzfristig mitgeteilt. SRF 3 verlost 10-mal 2 Tickets – viel Glück!

Depeche Mode ★ www.depmode.com

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Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

21 Mar 2017, 19:02 
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Country:  Russia (ru)
Radio SRF 3 'Showcase'
SRF Studios
Brunnenhof Straße, 22


Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

22 Mar 2017, 18:50 
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Country:  Romania (ro)
C’est à l’occasion de Baselworld que la célèbre marque Hublot a décidé d’organiser une conférence de presse aux côtés de l’incontournable groupe Depeche Mode et de charity : water.

Le trio explosif présentera aux côtés de Ricardo Guadalupe la toute nouvelle montre Big Bang et ce, quelques semaines avant le début de leur nouvelle tournée intitulée « The Global Spirit Tour ».

La conférence aura lieu au stand Hublot le vendredi 24 mars à 14h00, Hall 1.0, Stand A05.

Press conference on friday :

Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть ссылку. | Please register to see the link.


Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

22 Mar 2017, 19:19 
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Country:  Russia (ru)
Надежды на Scum тоже не оправдаются!
Скорее всего будет копия с Франции.
Ну хотя бы этот кавер бы исполнили)))


Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

22 Mar 2017, 22:04 
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Country:  Russia (ru)
Electrotech wrote:
Ну хотя бы этот кавер бы исполнили)))

Было бы чертовски здорово!


Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

23 Mar 2017, 01:08 
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Country:  Russia (ru)
:announcement: Depeche Mode guest of honour for an Interview with Thomas Caussé, broadcast "Radio Alarm clock" on YES FM this Friday, March 24. The beginning of the broadcast at 08:30 AM.


Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

23 Mar 2017, 16:16 
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Country:  Romania (ro)
Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть ссылку. | Please register to see the link.

Hi, I'm Jez. I'm Martin Gore's guitar tech and I've been a part of the Depeche Mode touring crew since the Devotional Tour in 1993. We're here working in Basel, Switzerland today and I'll be sharing a few behind the scenes shots, as the day unfolds…

Posted by:
Jez Webb


Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

23 Mar 2017, 21:15 
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Country:  Russia (ru)
Early start and a flight in to Zurich, for a special event. I like to make sure, the guys are fed and watered. Arriving at the next city, nice and relaxed.... Unfortunately I do not accept, credit cards, so sometimes, I'm unable to give them anything....

Posted by:
Jez Webb

Depeche Mode ★ www.depmode.com

A nice clean stage ready for us to mess up...
And Martin's guitar world, set up and ready for him to play...
The Green Guitar, has been with us for many years, been to many places and see many sights. If only guitars could talk. The tales it would be able to tell.... Actually probably rubbish ones...
"I got polished today....." And that one, would be a lie...

Posted by:
Jez Webb

Depeche Mode ★ www.depmode.com


Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

23 Mar 2017, 21:36 
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Country:  Russia (ru)
Народ,кто знает стрим будет?
До этого на главной плеерок запиливался под это дело,теперь нет,может Базель фигушки ,в натуре приват))))


Depeche Mode

 23.03.2017 - Basel, Switzerland (Private concert)

23 Mar 2017, 21:46 
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Country:  Russia (ru)
Secret Depeche Mode concert at the Hublot Party.


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