Depeche Mode "World Violation Tour"
Audio/Video Release
[ru]To: Mute Records
To whom it may concern,
For 13 years Depeche Mode fans have been waiting to get some form of World Violation Tour Release. Now more then ever the demand is growing to the point where it can no longer be ignored. We the undersigned ask that some form of official release either audio or video (or both) from the World Violation Tour be released to the public. No longer can it be said they don’t exist, fans know multiple soundboard recordings are in the hands of the band along with pro-shot videos. Thirteen years is a long time to wait and you’re missing a huge opportunity! With so many other bands embracing their past and going into their archives to release live material, it is a huge disappointment Depeche Mode have not done this, there is a demand and a profit to be made.[/ru]
Отправить свой голос: на 26.05.2010 / 20:30 - Всего 1959 голосов...