Upsampled from 44kHz to 48kHz. In other words - damaged file.
What a joke !
44.1 kHz to 48 kHz there is no damaged file ...
Source from a DVD file ! And DVD files are always resample in 48 kHz. 16 bit or 24 bit
If you don't like it, resample 48 kHz to 44.1 kHz, that's all !!
Depeche Mode single "Going Backwards" [remixes] 2017
13 Oct 2017, 14:59
strANGELove wrote:
antondevotee wrote:
depe wrote:
Никто не заимел iTunes версию сингла Depeche Mode 'Going Backwards' [Remixes] ?!
Может дурацкий вопрос , но все -таки просвятите: чем отличается айтюнз версия от обычного флак рипа с оригинального СД, например? Тем более, что у большинства на этом форуме, данный контент имеется на оригинальных физ.носителях Честно говоря, мне и виниловые рипы сконвертированные в "цифру" кажутся извращением
Ну, многим удобно для загрузки в iPod/iPhone/iPad, не нужно ковыряться с конвертерами всякими. Кому то в коллекцию. А про винил-рип если слушать на компе то разницы ни какой, а кто слушает через хороший ЦАП при условии что хороший рип разница есть и порой в лучшую сторону. Я например качаю и слушаю винил рипы. Но про это уже нужно в другую тему.
Спасибо, за разъяснения. У меня просто нет таких гаджетов, я по старинке - купил СД, поставил в проигрыватель и
Depeche Mode single "Going Backwards" [remixes] 2017
Depeche Mode single "Going Backwards" [remixes] 2017
13 Oct 2017, 18:44
To Useless123 :
I share a file that's all ... Finally you tire me !
If you don't like it, don't download it !! Have a nice day ...
I will not answer each time for a download. Leave me alone, thanks !!!!!
Depeche Mode single "Going Backwards" [remixes] 2017
13 Oct 2017, 21:41
jpfiles1972 wrote:
To Useless123 :
I share a file that's all ... Finally you tire me !
If you don't like it, don't download it !! Have a nice day ...
I will not answer each time for a download. Leave me alone, thanks !!!!!
I wrote warning for the people who care about the quality. That's all. I never wrote you doing something wrong.
Depeche Mode single "Going Backwards" [remixes] 2017
14 Oct 2017, 02:30
Useless123 wrote:
jpfiles1972 wrote:
To Useless123 :
I share a file that's all ... Finally you tire me !
If you don't like it, don't download it !! Have a nice day ...
I will not answer each time for a download. Leave me alone, thanks !!!!!
I wrote warning for the people who care about the quality. That's all. I never wrote you doing something wrong.
About quality ? If you want real quality, buy CD's on a store !
16 bit - 44.1 kHz [ CD ] 16 bit - 48 kHz [ DVD ] 24 bit - 96 kHz [ hi-res or blu-ray ]
Yeah, that's real quality ... All my collection in iTunes is in this format and no MP3 files !
The people who come here are smart enough to see the quality by themselves !!! I think you are not a moderator of the site ...
Depeche Mode single "Going Backwards" [remixes] 2017
14 Oct 2017, 02:36
To Useless123 :
I would like to know if you will intervene every time I go to post music or it's just for me that you bore me ?
That's enough !!!
Depeche Mode single "Going Backwards" [remixes] 2017
14 Oct 2017, 18:30
There is no official Going Backwards release in 48 kHz (CD/digital downloads). The 48 kHz file is no genuine and someone converted it. You should stop share these type of files.