Daniel : "This box has had many more "digital issues" than previous. A new team is at Rhino, hence new problems are happening. I can understand the frustration people are having with delays, but the situation is being worked on.
Completely lost as to why (a) Rhino would trim some files (resulting in different file sizes), and (b) include a document in the digital download that promotes the trimming.
Sony does everything. Sony makes the boxes (both EU and US). Sony makes the digital downloads (from files I supply, and Battery "processes" [makes all the levels even, etc]). The fact that Rhino has repeatedly gone and replaced files, or altered files, that have no reason to be touched, is disappointing. I believe they have eventually gone and fixed the errors they have created. I'm still waiting to see then Ultra box appear in their download page properly. Again, I know this is being worked on.
Remember. I am employed by the band. I work with Sony on the releases. I have zero contact with Rhino. I haven't even received any of the US boxes since Black Celebration, and my name is on the thing! All errors you all tell me (via email, Twitter and other methods) I pass along to management, who alert Rhino. It's not like I can just go and fix the issues directly. Trust me. I wish I could. With that said, if you encounter issues, please let me know, so I can pass them along, and get everything straightened out. Twitter and email (brat@) work best."