Я вообще чел разносторонний,в плане музла.А всё что касалось ДМ я любил вдвойне...
Trancemode Express1.0 - DM Tribute

1. Various Artists - Intro (1:49)
2. Kirk - Behind the Wheel (7:30)
3. Executor - Nothing to Fear (6:39)
4. Delta Signal - Obercorn (6:41)
5. Audio Science - Little 15 (5:42)
6. Scaras - Get the Balance Right (6:25)
7. Reverse Pulse - Flexible (7:30)
8. Ultra Vision - The Things You Said (6:07)
9. Interfaith - Fools (4:54)
10. Axis_01- Pimpf (6:55)
11. Audio Science - Strangelove (6:28)
12. Latex Empire - Master and Servant (4:14)
Trancemode Express 2.01

1.Blasphemous Rumours
2.A Question Of Time
3.Just Can't Get Enough
4.Fly On The Windscreen
5.Happiest Girl
7.Enjoy The Silence
9.Everything Counts (part1)
10.Everything Counts (part2)
11.The Meaning Of Love
Trancemode 3.01- A Tribute to Depeche Mode
1. М-28 - The Sun And The Rainfall (5:24)
2. Filter Section - Happiest Girl (4:43)
3. Razed in Black - New Dress (4:50)
4. Para One - Any Second Now (5:51)
5. LCD - Painkiller (4:54)
6. Zerofighters - It's No Good [Feel Love Mix] (4:57)
7. Ultra Vision - Just Can't Get Enough (4:54)
8. Lindum & Lindum - Waiting for the Night [The Bad Knight Mix] (5:56)
9. Judas - Stripped (4:52)
10. Element - The Sun and the Rainfall (4:58)
11. Ultra Vision - Waiting for the Night [The Good Night Mix] (3:59)
12. Judas - Walking in My Shoes (5:58)
М-28 - The Sun And The Rainfall в 3ем сборнике,я прилепил сам,уж больно хороша!