Мне понравилось много миксов ))
Depeche Mode - The Hourglass Competition (The Remixes)1. Depeche Mode - Happiest Girl [the pulsating full mix] (10:16)
2. Depeche Mode - Two Minute Warning [last call mix] (5:06)
3. Depeche Mode - Breathe [i0301blue mix] (4:43)
4. Depeche Mode - Lilian [dj runken hourglass competition remix] (8:04)
5. Depeche Mode - Policy Of Truth ([killerlive 2007] (7:50)
6. Depeche Mode - Walking In My Shoes [ramo's dark elements remix] (6:00)
7. Depeche Mode - Suffer Well [mirror universe mix] (3:51)
8. Depeche Mode - I Sometimes Wish I Was Dead [traumatic remix] (2:35)
9. Depeche Mode - Martyr [mignon a's 7'' remix] (3:30)
10. Depeche Mode - I Want It All [suffermode's nopal mix] (4:02)
11. Depeche Mode - Higher Love [apathy in motion] (6:15)
12. Depeche Mode - It Doesn't Matter Two [fatherless child alternative] (4:23)
13. Depeche Mode - Shame [ghetto blaster mix] (8:04)
А микс
It Doesn't Matter Two [fatherless child alternative],по стилю напомнил мне инструменталочку
Any Second Now